Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's the little things...

Call my crazy, but I get excited about some of the littlest things.  It is in my nature and I look at it as a positive because, let's face it, I'm easily entertained:)  So, here are a few things that I've been cray-cray for lately...
~The Apple Orchard~
This is just a given.  We probably go there more than an average family should, but oh well.  Nothing says fall like a warm cinnamon donut and cider!
~Dark nail polish~
No idea why this makes me smile considering I have never (and I mean NEVER) worn it.  I'm usually a nice soft pink kind of girl.  A dark pedi, yes, but never a dark mani.  My fall spirit is in overdrive!  Loving Essie's devil's advocate and smokin' hot.  And because of this new obsession, I am getting a little bit better at painting my nails.  I actually suck at it, but practice makes perfect, right?
~This toddler dress from Gap~
Swooning over this thing.  So soft and girly!  I can envision this as my 2 year old's next birthday outfit, but I will have to respectfully decline considering the price tag.  Sooooo pretty though.
~These totally fun, girly totes from Target~
I consider myself a well rounded Target customer.  I know where things are and am usually up-to-date on what goes on...except in this case.  Either these cuties just came out or I have been living under a rock.  We need to do some toy de-cluttering and organizing and these would be so perfectly cute to do that with.
~Martha Stewart Discbound Notebook~
I have seen reviews from other bloggers about this system and everyone raves about it.  I checked it out myself at Staples and I am in love (see, I told you it doesn't take much).  I am a sucker for anything paper related...cute and functional all in one!
And last, but not least....
~Anything GOLD~
No explanation needed.

Now I'm off to organize my checkbook and bills....seriously.

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